Sunday, October 29, 2006

INBA Australian Titles 2006

Well the big day has come and been.

The Aystralian Title where at the Camberwell Centre, in Melbourne yesterday (Sat. 28-Oct-2006).

I think I was in the best overall condition I've ever been in. Reasonable lean and the heavist I've competed at. Been a little leaner in the past, but at 8 to 10 kgs lighter.

My training partner finshed 3rd in the Open Tall class. Congrats Jamie!

bye for now


Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Grand Day Out

INBA ACT Natural Physique Titles - 15th October 2006

Got to rego at 11:30 to find that the 'running sheet' had been changed considerable, and that both Jamie (training partner) and my estimated time on stage had been moved back almost an hour and a half (80 minutes). This could have been an issue, time delays at comps is not unknown. So I always take a meal or two more than your eating plan says you'll need, so it wasn't an issue.

Got on stage pretty well on time. I had one issue, the stage has a new covering, a very short pill carpet. So it was too slippery to set my feet properly for a number of poses. That distracted my from getting a couple of other thing spot on during the mandatory round. Always get up on stage before the comp starts and check the surface for friction etc.

I was very pleased with the result, I got second on a field of five. The first & third place getter, Wes and John respectively, I competed against before. It was good to see them both again, good work boys! So this time we got to 'mix it up', had a great time boys ;)

There are some pics of the net from the comp

in the above thread I'm in 16.jpg on right and 20.jpg second from right
and here

Thanks again to 'Big G' and to my training partner Jamie.

Thank to everyone for all their support.

All together a Grand Day Out.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Second time round!

INBA ACT Natural Physique Titles - 15th October 2006

I'm on the second day of carbing up today. The big day is tomorrow. Rego is at 11 (to 12:15), but I'm not on stage until 4.40. And we all know BB comps always run on time!

I heard today that there will be five in my division. So this time, I at least get a chance to 'mix it up' and have some fun on stage. ;)

Thanks for the diet and posing help to 'Big G' (at Elite in Woden).

Special thanks to my training partner Jamie.

Thank to everyone else for all their support too.

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

The King is Dead: Jay Culter wins Olympia

I got 2 SMSs yesterday, from friends, with the placing of the 2006 Mr Olympia titles.

1st - Jay CUTLER
2nd - Ronnie COLEMAN
3rd - Victor MARTINEZ
4th - Dexter JACKSON
5th - Melvin ANTHONY
6th - Gustavo BADELL

What a suprise! For years Ronnie Coleman has won this event. Most people I know, expected him to win it, until he retired. Just like Dorian Yates and Lee Haney before him.

IFBB site


Iron Man: No coverage on homepage yet.
GraphicMuscle: click through from Iron Man


What a turn-up!

Keep training smart, eating hard!
