Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hardcore Gyms......A Thing Of The Past!

Hi all.

Talk to my training partner earlier in the month. It came up, the a friend from Orange had just been kicked out of him gym for being to hardcore. He is an ernest and to the point kinda guy. A real font of information as long as you don't get between him and his workout.

Found a related thread on the MD forum site too.

Hardcore Gyms......A Thing Of The Past!


Thursday, November 30, 2006

I've been blogged

I've been blogged be Beti over on her Health & Fitness Show blog at The Podcast Network (TPN).

Thanks Beti.


Technorati Tags:

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Pics from the Canberra comp

I've organize the pics onto one page, finally!

The pics come from gav's forums site @

Thanks Gav.

If anyone has any pics from the INBA Sydney, Canberra or Melbourne (Nationals) comps, please let me know. I'd love to see them.


Technorati Tags:

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Back from Melbourne

Well, I got back from Melbourne yesterday (5th Nov).

Had a great 10 days away.

After the comp, Jamie, Carmen and myself had a great two days kicking around Melbourne. They flew back to Canberra Monday arvo.

I spend Tuesday to midday Friday doing job searching kinda stuff. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday morning I got to train with Warren Clampet. It's always great training with a partner who is bigger/stronger and/or more experienced. Thanks Warren.

Got on the scales on Thursday, up to 95kgs. Up about 6 kgs from the comp. Back on the scales on Friday, was back down to 94.25kgs. The body is such a sensitive and responsive thing!

Did family things for the last two days before I flew back to Canberra. Gee kids grow fast!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

INBA Australian Titles 2006

Well the big day has come and been.

The Aystralian Title where at the Camberwell Centre, in Melbourne yesterday (Sat. 28-Oct-2006).

I think I was in the best overall condition I've ever been in. Reasonable lean and the heavist I've competed at. Been a little leaner in the past, but at 8 to 10 kgs lighter.

My training partner finshed 3rd in the Open Tall class. Congrats Jamie!

bye for now


Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Grand Day Out

INBA ACT Natural Physique Titles - 15th October 2006

Got to rego at 11:30 to find that the 'running sheet' had been changed considerable, and that both Jamie (training partner) and my estimated time on stage had been moved back almost an hour and a half (80 minutes). This could have been an issue, time delays at comps is not unknown. So I always take a meal or two more than your eating plan says you'll need, so it wasn't an issue.

Got on stage pretty well on time. I had one issue, the stage has a new covering, a very short pill carpet. So it was too slippery to set my feet properly for a number of poses. That distracted my from getting a couple of other thing spot on during the mandatory round. Always get up on stage before the comp starts and check the surface for friction etc.

I was very pleased with the result, I got second on a field of five. The first & third place getter, Wes and John respectively, I competed against before. It was good to see them both again, good work boys! So this time we got to 'mix it up', had a great time boys ;)

There are some pics of the net from the comp

in the above thread I'm in 16.jpg on right and 20.jpg second from right
and here

Thanks again to 'Big G' and to my training partner Jamie.

Thank to everyone for all their support.

All together a Grand Day Out.

Technorati Tags:

Friday, October 13, 2006

Second time round!

INBA ACT Natural Physique Titles - 15th October 2006

I'm on the second day of carbing up today. The big day is tomorrow. Rego is at 11 (to 12:15), but I'm not on stage until 4.40. And we all know BB comps always run on time!

I heard today that there will be five in my division. So this time, I at least get a chance to 'mix it up' and have some fun on stage. ;)

Thanks for the diet and posing help to 'Big G' (at Elite in Woden).

Special thanks to my training partner Jamie.

Thank to everyone else for all their support too.

Technorati Tags:

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The King is Dead: Jay Culter wins Olympia

I got 2 SMSs yesterday, from friends, with the placing of the 2006 Mr Olympia titles.

1st - Jay CUTLER
2nd - Ronnie COLEMAN
3rd - Victor MARTINEZ
4th - Dexter JACKSON
5th - Melvin ANTHONY
6th - Gustavo BADELL

What a suprise! For years Ronnie Coleman has won this event. Most people I know, expected him to win it, until he retired. Just like Dorian Yates and Lee Haney before him.

IFBB site


Iron Man: No coverage on homepage yet.
GraphicMuscle: click through from Iron Man


What a turn-up!

Keep training smart, eating hard!


Saturday, September 30, 2006

2006 INBA NSW Titles (24 Sept)

Well, had a good prep for the NSW titles last Sunday (24 Sept. 06).

My best condition so far. I've been as lean before, but was 8 to 10kgs lighter.

Unfortunately I was the only competitor in my Masters (Over 40) Division. So no change to 'mix-it'.

Two week to the ACT titles now.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

One week out!

Well, the first comp is in one week.

I'm sitting at 87kgs, last time on the scales.

A part from a mix-up about travelling times to & from Sydney, everything is fine on
the prep front!

Doing the diet for the final week tonight. Then we'll write up a tick-the-boxes no-brainer list of things-to-do for the next 7 days (day-a-page style).

Keep training right, everyone.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

5 weeks out

Well, down to 90kgs last weekend. G was away this weekend, so no new figures.

The hill walk seem to be doing the trick!

Did posing pratice with Jamie, yesterday morning, start to show now detail in the quads, cool.

Not training today, so it's an Extra low carb day today, oh such fun! ;)

Back into the gym tomorrow.

Monday, July 31, 2006

First hill climb!

During the weekend, I got advice that I should be doing hill climbs etc to improve the hardness in my lower body.

This morning I did my first hill climb. Started at 5:30am. It's surprising how much light the near by suburbs give off. Even on top of the hill, it was light, like a full moon! The weather was partly overcast, and the near full moon had set hours before.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Getting there!

Well, got on the scales yesterday, I'm down to 91kgs. Not too far to go.

The signs are there. I have a pair of vains on my abdominal wall, about 40mm (1.5 inchs) on either side of centre line on symmetry. They made their appearance over the last few week! A GOOD sign.

Friday, June 30, 2006

18/05/06 to 02/07/06. The countdown continues.

Friday, 19/04/06 (Good Friday)
Resistance Training (PM)

Thursday, 18/05/06
Resistance Training (PM)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

10/04/06 to 17/05/06. The month that was!

Wednesday, 17/05/06
Jamie texted today, sick as a dog, so will do Legs later in the week (after Thurdday)

Tuesday, 16/05/06
Resistance Training (PM)
Chiro said no legs, til at least after I see him again on Thursday!

Monday, 15/05/06
Resistance Training (PM)
New diet from the Big G, Four week down!

Saturday, 13/05/06
Resistance Training (AM) high reps
I got a ‘niggle’ in my back today, must see the back quack (chiro) during the week.

Thursday, 11/05/06
Resistance Training (PM)
~Abs (AM)

Wednesday, 10/05/06
Resistance Training (PM)

Tuesday, 09/05/06
Resistance Training (PM)

Monday, 08/054/06
Resistance Training (PM)
With Carmen all banged up, we well be training weeknight for the next few week.
I’ll send my DVD collect over to keep Carmen entertained too.

Saturday, 06/04/06
Resistance Training (AM) high reps
Jamie, my training partners’ fiancĂ©e over balanced doing squat and fractured her L1 vertebrae. Got her all stretched out! Most of the week in hospital & should be about 6 week in a brace, DOH!
Note to self; NEVER use ‘stingray’ bar rests!!!

Thursday, 04/05/06
Resistance Training (AM)
~Abs (AM)

Wednesday, 03/05/06
Resistance Training (PM)

Tuesday, 02/05/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Monday, 01/05/06
Resistance Training (AM)
New diet from the Big G, Two weeks down!

Saturday, 29/04/06
Resistance Training (AM) high reps
We have started training on Saturday, to give the body a more even rest.

Thursday, 27/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)
~Abs (AM)

Wednesday, 26/04/06
Resistance Training (PM)

Tuesday, 25/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Monday, 24/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Friday, 21/04/06
Resistance Training (AM) high reps

Thursday, 20/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)
~Abs (AM)

Wednesday, 19/04/06
Resistance Training (PM)

Tuesday, 18/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Monday, 17/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Saturday, 15/04/06
Got a diet from the Big G (Elite Physique). Start the big countdown on Monday!
Starting competition preparation for October. About 8 week of 'gentle' work, then into it big time to the comps!

Friday, 14/04/06 (Good Friday)
Resistance Training (AM) high reps
Thanks to Michael for arranging a key for us die-hards to train in the morning.

Thursday, 14/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)
~Abs (AM)

Wednesday, 12/04/06
Resistance Training (PM)

Tuesday, 11/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Monday, 10/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

INBA, City Vs Country,Wagga Wagga, 8 April, 2006

Day trip to Wagga.

Rob & the Canberra boys competed again. Plus a few extra Canberra boys who didn't compete the week before.

Jamie (not my training partner) from the gym. Steve and Dave. Dave (who I didn't know), who was preped by Big Joe (Elite Physique). Dave was one of the most ripped guys there.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

3rd to 7th March

Friday, 07/04/06
Resistance Training (AM) high reps

Thursday, 06/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)
~Abs (AM)

Wednesday, 05/04/06
Resistance Training (PM)

Tuesday, 04/04/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Monday, 03/04/06
Resistance Training (PM)

INBA Sydney, 2006

INBA Sydney 2006 was at the Monties Sports Club on Sunday, 02/04/06

Drove up to Sydney on the 1st.

Jamie, my training partner has a mate competing, Rob.

I first meet Rob in Melbourne at the INBA Auystralia's, in 2004. He was kind enough to drive 3 of us Canberra boys out to Morabbin to register.

Two guys from Canberra competed too, Vlad & Brendan (Hobit).

23rd to 31st March

Friday, 31/03/06
Resistance Training (AM) high reps

Thursday, 30/03/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Wednesday, 29/03/06
Resistance Training (PM)

Tuesday, 28/03/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Monday, 27/03/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Sunday, 26/03/06

Saturday, 25/03/06

Friday, 24/03/06
Nil – Jamie had other commitments

Thursday, 23/03/06
Resistance Training (AM)

Lee Priest in Canberra

Lee Priest was in Canberra for a seminar. I went.

For those who didn't know who he is, he is currently Australia best bodybuilder. One of the best 4 Australia has every produced.

Lee passed one comment that may interest some here.

He was out in a supermarket doing some shopping. This kid was there with his father shopping.
We all know how built super heroes and alike are these days.
The kid sees Lee and points. The kid turns to his father and asks, 'How do you get like that?'.
The father answers 'Steroids, Drugs'.

Lee thought this was a strange answer to give a young child.
What does it show about the father. Envy? Insecurity?

Weather Lee has every used or not, is beside the point.

For me there are two issues.
Firstly, the negative stereotype/image associated with bodybuilding as a sport.
Secondly, the lose of innocence/childhood this child may suffered.

Is this answer going to encourage the kid to use drugs later on?
What would be the best answer, the one that encourages the best habits in the kid?

Something like, 'You got to eat all your meat & veggies and fruit.' maybe?

Something to think about.

After the seminar, I was talking to Jamie M, he is looking to a training partner too. Will start training with him tomorrow morning at 5:30 ouch!

8th to 22nd March

Well after the car affair, lets get back up-to-date.

Wednesday, 22/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Back
~ Biceps

Tuesday, 21/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Legs

Monday, 20/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Chest
~ Triceps

Sunday, 19/03/06

Saturday, 18/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Calves
~ Abs
~ Forarms

Friday, 17/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Delts
~ Traps

Thursday, 16/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Back
~ Biceps

Wednesday, 15/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Legs

Tuesday, 14/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Chest
~ Triceps

Monday, 13/03/06

Sunday, 12/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Calves
~ Abs
~ Forarms

Saturday, 11/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Delts
~ Traps

Friday, 10/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Back
~ Biceps

Thursday, 9/03/06
Resistance Training
~ Legs

Wednesday, 8/03/06
Missing training again!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday, 07/03/06

NA - some bastard stole the car overnight.
Got home after work to realise I had left my new training programme on my desk at work. So I'll catchup on Saturday.

Stretch: NA

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing), Bananna

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)

~ ummm, de-stress?

Monday, 06/03/06

Resistance Training
~ Legs
~ Calves

Stretch: Before, Yes

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing), Bananna

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)

~Be more disciplined about feeding times

Off Week (Recuperation!)

Well, been training sinne the 03 Jan. Time for a week off. As per my 'First week of odd months off' policy.

Back to the grind stone, with a new programme on the 6th March.

Summer is over, it's all down hill from here!

Saturday, 25/02/06 - Dubbo

The Dubbo comp (Dubbo International Bodybuilding Championships) was on.

Went up, had a great time. Comps are always good for motivation.

Had a talk up one of the competitors afterward, Stuart Grant. Tried to encourage him lots.

The two Canberra boys Harry Haveliuk & Paul McKay, looked great and looked like they enjoyed the outing too.

Here are some led up stories (1) (2) (3) from the week before.

And a follow up story including results

Friday, 24/02/02

Resistance Training
~ Calves
~ Abs
~ Forarms

Stretch: No

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing), Bananna

Fatty Foods: NA

~ Water.
~ Get progress pics. Talked to Gav at traing, Try to get the pic, week after next.

Thursday, 23/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Delts
~ Traps

Stretch: Yes, before.

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing), Bananna

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)


Wednesday, 22/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Back
~ Biceps

Stretch: Warm up: Yes, before.

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing), Bananna

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)


Tuesday, 21/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Legs

Stretch: Before, Yes

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing), Bananna

Fatty Foods: NA

~Be more disciplined about feeding times

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Monday, 20/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Chest
~ Triceps

Stretch: Yes, before

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~Drink more water

Sunday, 19/02/06

Activity: NA

Stretch: NA

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Profiteroles + 2 lts of Milk.

Saturday, 18/02/06

Activity: NA

Stretch: NA

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~ Water.

Friday, 17/02/02

Resistance Training
~ Calves
~ Abs
~ Forarms

Stretch: No

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~ Water.
~ Get progress pics.

Thursday, 16/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Delts
~ Traps

Stretch: Yes, before.

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: ummm, One Meateaters pizza (A special, after training!)


Wednesday, 15/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Back
~ Biceps

Stretch: Warm up: Yes, before.

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)


Tuesday, 14/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Legs

Stretch: Before, Yes

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~Be more disciplined about feeding times

Monday, 13/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Chest
~ Triceps

Stretch: Yes, before.

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing), Bannana.

Fatty Foods: NA

~Drink more water

Sunday, 12/02/06

Activity: NA

Stretch: NA

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Tim Tam, Done even want to guess!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Saturday, 11/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Calves
~ Abs
~ Forarms

Stretch: No

Fresh Fruit and Veg: NA

Fatty Foods: NA

~ Progress pics, Gav will leave a CD at the Gym.

So after missing a days training on Wednesday, I've now made it up.

Friday, 10/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Delts
~ Traps

Stretch: Yes, before.

Fresh Fruit and Veg: NA

Fatty Foods: NA


Thursday, 09/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Back
~ Biceps

Stretch: Warm up: Yes

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA


The Cherry Ripe Solution & Wednesday, 08/02/06

Activity: NA
Usually I woould do resistance training. But got a call for a job interview, the Cherry Ripe Solution.

Stretch: NA

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~Get progress pics.

Got the Canberra Java User Group meetimg tonight. Can only do two out of three things at short notice. I'll makeup the lost workout on Saturday.

Tuesday, 07/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Legs

Stretch: Before, Yes

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~Drink more water

Monday, 06/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Chest
~ Triceps

Stretch: Yes, before

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~Drink more water
~Get progess pics from Gav

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sunday, 05/02/06

Activity: NA

Stretch: NA

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

The Luke Wood Seminar, Saturday, 04/02/06

The seminar began at 3:00.

Luke talked about what he has been upto. His trips to the US and his placings there. Also talked about getting photo shoots done for the big US muscle rags. He talked about what is involved in getting to and being a professional grade Bodybuilder.

Lots of questions from the audeance (2 people did manopalise things a bit). Lots of bits & peices about diet and training too.

At the end he posed for us and we got a chance to get photos taken with him. I also brought 2 autographed pics. Finish up at about 4:30ish.

After Luke left, I got Gav, one of the orgainisers to take some progress pics of me, finally!

Met up with Luke, Gav, the PM guys and a few others for a meal (steak) at 7:30. Had a great time gossiping with everyone.

Saturday, 04/02/06

Activity: NA

Stretch: NA

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~Progress pics, today!

Friday, 03/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Calves
~ Abs
~ Forarms

Stretch: No

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)

~ Progress pics, still!

Thursday, 02/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Delts
~ Traps

Stretch: Yes

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)

~Progress pics, still!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Wednesday, 01/02/06

Resistance Training
~ Back
~ Biceps

Stretch: Warm up: Yes

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)

~Progress pics, still, Saturday?

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Luke Wood in Canberra

Luke Wood is going to be giving a seminar in Canberra this Saturday, 4 Feb.

I'm so looking forward to this. Should be informative and very motivating!

Can’t wait!

Tune in next week for another adventure of GNOLLS IN S-P-A-C-C-E!

Tuesday, 31/01/06

Resistance Training
~ Legs

Stretch: After, No. Between warm up sets, Yes. Would not it be best to do injury reduction things before you get injured, no after?

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~Drink more water
~Progress pics, still!

Monday, 30/01/06

Resistance Training
~ Chest
~ Triceps

Stretch: No

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)

~Drink more water
~Progress pics still!

Sunday, 29/01/06

Activity: NA

Stretch: NA

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~Progress pics, still!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Cherry Ripe Solution

I've know this has been a problem for a while.

They got a fundraising thingly at work. Lots of Chocies, chips & fizzy drinks. Money jar on bench, honour system.

It's so close to where I sit, my nemesis!

I know what the solution is. Get a new job.

Anyone looking for a COBOL would-be Java programmer, give me a bell. ;)

Saturday, 28/01/06

Activity: NA

Stretch: NA

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Packet of Tim Tam + 2 lt of Light Milk

~Progress pics, still!

Friday, 27/01/06

Resistance Training
~ Calves
~ Abs
~ Forarms

Stretch: No

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)

~ Progress pics, still!
~ Plan food better

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Thursday, 26/01/06

Resistance Training
~ Delts
~ Traps

Stretch: No

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 2 x 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~Progress pics, still!

Wednesday, 25/01/06

Resistance Training
~ Back
~ Biceps

Stretch: No

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)

~Progress pics, still!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Standard Photos

Hi Molly, Beti, Cam & All

Molly has asked about what progress pics to take (over on my main blog).

I'll cross post my reply.

I think we should let beti decide.

Maybe the pics should be goal dependant.

Maybe the pics should be Cam dependent. What ever pics beti can get out of Cam? ;)

Beti, What are your ideas on this one?

Tuesday, 24/01/06

Resistance Training
~ Legs

Stretch: No, after? Do some before, just keep move for 10 mins after, does that count?

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: NA

~Drink more water
~Progress pics, still!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday, 23/01/06

Resistance Training
~ Chest
~ Triceps

Stretch: No

Fresh Fruit and Veg: 200g sweetslaw (no dressing)

Fatty Foods: Cherry Ripe 80g (Fats 19.8g total/15.5g Saturated)

~Drink more water
~Progress pics, glup!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Why This Blog Exists

In response to Cameron Reilly's personal fitness blog and as part of my training program for this year, I'm going to start a journal blog too.

The things we do in the name of sports, fitness and motivation!

Take one flag, one mast, one hammer and several nails, start hammering...

By the way, the name of this blog is a salute to The Dog's Tail Tale movie.